Food allergies and intolerances in the UK they affect around 8% of children and 2% of adults. In December 2014, the law on how allergen information is provided by food businesses changed, to make it easier when buying food or eating out with an allergy or intolerance.
Food businesses need to provide information on any of the 14 allergens used as ingredients for any food or drink sold without packaging or wrapped on site. It can be provided either in writing or orally by a member of staff. Where the specific allergen information is not provided upfront, clear signposting to where this information could be obtained must be given.
Mislabelling of allergens on packaging is the number one reason for recall in the UK.
Fine Food Consultancy can:
- Create a site allergen risk assessment
- Support in design and layout of premises to prevent allergen contamination
- Create, verify and validate processes and procedures on allergens