HACCP- Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
Hazard analysis is cited in both European and UK legislation as a key tool in the assurance of product safety. It is therefore essential that food companies understand where food safety hazards may occur and establish a means to control and monitor the critical points in the process. HACCP is a science-based analytical tool that enables management to introduce and maintain a cost-effective ongoing food safety programme.
Fine Food Consultancy can:
- Support the development of your site HACCP plan
- Ensure implementation of the plan on site
- Review the plan to ensure it grows and adapts with the business
- Be part of the HACCP team
The HACCP products and services we provide are based on extensive experience of assisting with the development and implementation of HACCP-based systems in numerous food businesses.
TACCP- Threat Assessment and Critical Control Points
Relatively new, TACCP is an essential part of food safety management and required under the latest BRC version 7 Global Standard.
TACCP looks at security at the manufacturing site and the protection of raw materials and/or finished products held at site from deliberate contamination only. The key to TACCP is prevention of intentional adulteration, behaviourally or ideologically motivated- food defence.
Fine Food Consultancy can:
- Review of site security
- Creation of TACCP
- Part of TACCP team
VACCP- Vulnerability Analysis Critical Control Point
Food Fraud is big business and, like any other business, perpetrators generally have no wish to make their customers sick and thus call attention to their activities. Therefore, it is unlikely they would intentionally put the public health at risk. However, such risks can occur due to inexperienced or untrained food handlers, bad packaging causing food spoilage, unlabelled or mislabelled ingredients, etc.
In 2014 the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) presented their direction for including Food Fraud in Food Safety Management Systems. They adopted a holistic Food Fraud scope and have shifted their focus from risk to vulnerabilities following the ‘Horse Meat’ scandal which broke in 2013.
Do you know how at risk your raw materials are from?
- Substitution
- Dilution
- Concealment
- Mislabelling
- Unapproved enhancements
- Counterfeiting
Fine Food Consultancy can:
- Create and build your VACCP
- Maintain VACCP
- Development of supply chain maps
- Monitor Horizon Scanning